Monday, March 16, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 16th March

Outside My Window ... a beautiful, bright, early spring day - and more of the same forecast for the rest of the week.

I am thinking ... about cleaning the kitchen. I prefer thinking about it to doing it.

From the learning rooms ... nothing noteworthy.

I am thankful for ... having more energy than I have had in months. I finally seem to be over the lingering effects of winter bugs and bronchitis.

From the kitchen ... something with minced beef for dinner. Maybe cottage pie? Sponge cake with strawberries and whipped cream for Angel's birthday.

I am wearing ... old jeans and a long sleeved green t-shirt. My house cleaning clothes.

I am creating ... a cute little lilac cardigan for Cherub using baby bamboo yarn.

I am going ... into town to look for summer shoes and to take Cherub to the park. It is too nice a day to stay inside.

I am reading ... a biography of children's author Alison Uttley.

I am hoping ... to do better with my Lent reading this week. It kind of fizzled out last week.

I am hearing ... Cherub counting pencils.

Around the house ... clothes. Dumped randomly all over the place. From my desk in the sitting room I can see two radiators covered with clothes drying (actually now dry and waiting to be put away), Star's abandoned school sports fleece, Angel's leather jacket and a pashmina style scarf hung over the bannister post at the bottom of the stairs, a pair of pink Cherub trousers on the stairs waiting to be put away, and a heap of dolls' clothes in the middle of the floor.

One of my favorite things ... sunshine.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a trip to the zoo to take advantage of the nice weather before our zoo pass expires; an open band rehearsal in aid of Oxjam; otherwise a fairly quiet week.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. Minced beef sauteed with fresh green beans (add a little beef stock for sauce) and served over rice is one of our favorites.

    I agree - thinking about it rather than doing it is the way I feel about cleaning the kitchen!

    Have a wonderful week.

  2. Anonymous12:22 pm

    I love working with bamboo. I found a few skeins of fingering weight organic bamboo and have been working on socks for little feet. It creates such a soft fabric.

    Hope to see photographs of Cherub's sweater when you finish.

  3. I'm glad you're feeling better and have more energy! = )

    And I agree with the other comments: you definitely have to post a pic of Cherub's sweater.
