Monday, February 02, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 2nd February

For Monday 2nd February

Outside My Window ... snow. An inch or so on the ground, snow still falling, and more to come over the rest of the week.

I am thinking ... that this looks like being one of the coldest winters we have had in a long time.

From the learning rooms ... a Snow Day.

I am thankful for ... a warm, cosy house and fleece blankets.

From the kitchen ... beef casserole.

I am wearing ... navy sweat pants, blue hooded top, stripy hand-knitted socks and a scarf.

I am creating ... a navy blue cotton sweater for myself. All finished except the neckband - and I have run out of yarn. Excuse me while I scream. Aaaarghhh!!!!!!

I am going ... away for the weekend with Tevye, and only Tevye. A rare treat!

I am reading ... A History of Hand Knitting by Richard Rutt. Very thorough, but not what you might call a lively read.

I am hoping ... the snow will not stop us making a long drive to Cumbria later in the week.

I am hearing ... Cherub asking Star for a biscuit. Complaints of "that one is very broken!".

Around the house ... modest disorder. I have been out of action for a week (that darned chest infection, which is still hanging in there) and Tevye has been doing sterling work keeping chaos at bay.

One of my favorite things ... crisp, new snow.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a cosy hotel with log fires and lots of comfort food.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own. [Am I the only person who can't find the Mr Linky at The Simple Woman? I can't add my daybook entry or read others and it is bugging me!]


  1. Anonymous2:58 pm

    Enjoy the snow!!

  2. Anonymous12:50 pm

    It looks like the accumulating sort of snow!
