Monday, February 23, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 23rd February

For Monday 23rd February

Outside My Window ... early dawn.

I am thinking ... that I wish I hadn't stayed up too late last night reading.

From the learning rooms ... parent-teacher consultations for Angel tomorrow.

I am thankful for ... days that are getting longer and warmer.

From the kitchen ... pancakes for Pancake Day.

I am wearing ... I'm typing in bed before getting up, so still pyjamas.

I am creating ... ToodleDo lists to get back on track with housework. Somehow I just can't get organised without a checklist.

I am going ... to try potty training Little Cherub. She knows the theory and she seems willing. If we can just get over the hump of actually doing something in that potty!

I am reading ... Nella Last's Peace and waiting for books for Lent to arrive from Amazon.

I am hoping ... nobody else gets the 24 hour stomach bug Tevye had on Friday and Star had on Saturday.

I am hearing ... Angel and Star getting up.

Around the house ... beds to change, kitchen to clean, accounts to update.

One of my favorite things ... a checked off checklist.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... get organised for Lent. Yikes! Only two days to go!

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... pancake racing

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own. [Though I can't see them as Mister Linky STILL doesn't like me.]


  1. But to add to the weirdness when I went to add my link it presumed I was you from me pretending last time :)

  2. Very good daybook. I don't understand the pancake race, though.
    Mama Bear

  3. What a clever blog setup. I know what you mean about having a list. My motto is "if it isn't written down, it doesn't get done." I love the quote about the Blessed Sacrament on your sidebar; how true!

  4. Anonymous6:45 pm

    I love your blog template! I totally agree on a checked off checklist. A thing of beauty!

  5. Anonymous8:24 pm

    Good luck with the potty training! A checked off check list is definitley one of my favorite things also. Have a great week and hope no one else gets sick.
