Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Kreativ Blogger

People are being very nice to me lately. Hard on the heels of the Lemonade Award, I have been tagged as a Kreativ Blogger by Debbie of Stop Her She's Knitting. Thank you, Debbie! It is nice to have a bit more love to spread around.

The rules are ...
1. Copy the award to your site
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers
4. Link to those on your blog
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.

So here goes ...

1. Michele at A Family Centered Life ... a Kreativ award for a truly creative blogger. Just look at how pretty she makes her simple woman's daybook. And she can sew. Really, really sew. To a needlework incompetent like me, that is truly amazing.

2. Margaret at Minnesota Mom, who is creating a baby. It doesn't get more creative than that.

3. Debbie at Livin' La Vida Grande, who many years ago encouraged me to create an email list for Catholic home educators in the UK.

4. Mary at St Athanasius Academy ... creative knitter extraordinaire. (And also Debbie's sister-in-law - small world!)

5. Sarah at Another Bend in the Road ... a new addition to my blog reading list, for her creative music playlist, which happens to be very much to my taste. As is her blog.

6. Mrs T at Fine Old Famly, for making me laugh with her creative description of the day the ceiling fell.

7. Pamela at Chez Nous, because I love her creative addition of a castle of the week to her simple woman's daybook, and because she was nice enough to give me the lemonade award.


  1. You changed your blog! I love it!!!


    I did not expect to see my name on this list, least of all directly under Michele's, but when I saw the reason for which I'm nominated...

    Well yes. Certainly I'd agree. :)

    Thank you, Kathryn. Have a beautifully kreativ day!

  2. Thank you, Kathryn! It's lovely to appear in such August company.

    I hate to admit it, but I don't read THAT many blogs . . . it's going to be a stretch to think of seven who haven't already been tagged, or whom I haven't just tagged with an award! But I'll work on that.

  3. Oh -- stupid question: I can't figure out how to copy the image to my own blog. Help?

  4. Mrs T ... just right click on the image, then you should see "save image" on the menu. Save it to your computer, then you can add it to your blog.
