Thursday, February 26, 2009

Guess ...

... what we have been doing this week.


  1. Giggling at the picture that says it all! Best of luck. With all of mine (4) I tried to tell myself that I would be consistent for 2 weeks but only when I knew that they were ready. I made a big deal about getting big boy or big girl pants and letting them pick them out and when they were wearing them too. That worked really well with the first last one was not so gung ho about the whole potty training thing. ;O)


  2. Hmmm dunno - I think I've blocked that period of my life out...

    So how's it going Cherub?

  3. That is hilarious and reminds me that I am so glad that I don't have to do that again.

  4. Best of luck! The "pretty pantie (knickers?)" gambit worked here. Once the pretty panties came on no one wanted to go bake to those ugly trainers!
