Monday, January 05, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 5th January

For Monday 5th January

Outside My Window ... a light dusting of snow.

I am thinking ... I must check the central heating timer. The heating stayed on later than it should last night and didn't switch itself on until after Tevye got up this morning.

From the learning rooms ... Angel is back to school today. Star goes back tomorrow.

I am thankful for ... the way God always provides what we need when we need it, often in unexpected ways.

From the kitchen ... left-over smoked salmon for lunch, chicken stir fry for dinner.

I am wearing ... blue winter pyjamas.

I am creating ... fingerless mittens.

I am going ... to take Little Cherub to playgroup for an induction session. She will be going for one morning a week this term. K-next-door is the manager, so she has visited a few times and it should be home from home for her. She has been insisting that K must "talk me about playgroup" for months, but in typical Little Cherub style is now getting cold feet. She tends to be very wary of anything new.

I am reading ... still reading On Brick Lane by Rachel Lichtenstein. Jewish East End history fascinates me, as Tevye was one of the last generation to grow up there.

I am hoping ... to get myself into gear counting Weight Watchers points this week. I decided to use the two week free trial for their online programme. I know WW works well for me and helps me get into the habit of making better food choices.

I am hearing ... Tweenies on TV. Little Cherub is engrossed in watching them make percussion instruments.

Around the house ... everything back to normal after the Christmas and New Year holiday. I took the tree and decorations down last night.

One of my favorite things ... spending time with family and friends over the holidays.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... nothing special, just back to the normal term time routine.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing ... New Year's Day bowling

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. Thanks for the tip - I'm off to check out the Weight Watchers website right now.

    Have a great week,

  2. I'm so pleased to see you have the same stylish bowling shoes over there as we have here in the states. A classic that never goes out of style, right?
