Monday, January 19, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 19th January

For Monday 19th January

Outside My Window ... a mild winter evening.

I am thinking ... that I shall be glad when the living room painting is finished and domestic order restored. Our living room is open plan, so chaos here makes the whole house feel a mess.

From the learning rooms ... an information meeting last week about the summer camp Star hopes to go on this summer with her school. It is real, old fashioned camping - ridge tents, basic facilities, tent inspections, spud bashing ... and no mobile phones!

I am thankful for ... realising I hated the paint colour we chose before the second coat. Back to the samples. Fortunately the first coat will work well as an undercoat.

From the kitchen ... very little. I'm having to keep Little Cherub out of the house while my brother paints. The living room is so central that the only way to keep her out of it, and out of the paint, is to stay out all day.

I am wearing ... blue jeans, cream v-necked sweater, warm socks.

I am creating ... still the pink, stripy socks. I'm half way up the foot of the second sock, so they are nearly done.

I am going ... to stick with the Weight Watchers online. I lost two pounds last week and I am getting back into point counting routine surprisingly well.

I am reading ... Nella Last's War (diary) and Electric Universe by David Bodanis

I am hoping ... we get the paint choice right at the second attempt.

I am hearing ... Angel talking to Cherub who was yelling instead of sleeping.

Around the house ... dust (my brother has been sanding paintwork today), and piles of stuff that belong in the living room.

One of my favorite things ... hand-knitted socks. Comfy, unique, and fun to knit. I am a convert!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... grocery shopping, toddler group and hanging out at my Mum's tomorrow; a trip out - maybe the farm or the zoo? - on Thursday; a "bring-a-course" Burn's Night meal with neighbours at the weekend.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. I'm feeling jealous ... so many rooms in this house that I want to paint!

  2. Back in the day...pre-husband/pre-kids, I had a good friend from Scotland who always held a big Robbie Burns birthday party. Always a great time! Have fun at yours! And congratulations on the weight loss!!!

  3. We've got lots of painting to do too - hope both sets go well :)

    BUT what colour???? You didn't mention it.

    We're celebrating Chinese new Year this weekend - so no haggis... but we might manage the whiskey :lol:
