Monday, December 08, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 8th December

For Monday 8th December

Outside My Window ... thick white frost on the road, but thawing on the grass and trees.

I am thinking ... how good it is to start the week with some plans and some energy after last week's inertia.

From the learning rooms ... Star's science homework last week was to make a parachute for an egg, to be launched off the school stairs. She was very indignant that I would not let her do a test run at home with a real egg. As it turned out hers was one of the more successful efforts and her egg sustained only minor injuries.

I am thankful for ... recovery from last week's nasty cough and cold. Just a residual cough left for me now.

From the kitchen ... chicken in mushroom sauce; chocolate brownies; sultana and cherry cake; Christmas puddings to make.

I am wearing ... warm blue pyjamas.

I am creating ... more socks. I discovered one ball of sock yarn is just large enough to make a sock for myself and a cute matching little sock for Cherub.

I am going ... to finish the last of my Christmas shopping and wrapping this week.

I am reading ... Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson. I wanted something cheerful and humorous to cheer me up after a week of feeling ill.

I am hoping ... everyone else recovers properly from the wheezles and sneezles. Tevye can't stop coughing and Cherub and Angel are both still under par.

I am hearing ... the washing machine making a clicking sound.

Around the house ... cleaning to do, surfaces to clear, toys to put away.

One of my favorite things ... a room lit by the glow of Christmas tree lights.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a trip with Little Cherub to a local theme park for their Christmas special; playing Christmas carols in a couple of large shopping centres at the weekend (the Christmas season is busy for brass bands); finish the Christmas newsletter I started with a burst of enthusiasm three weeks ago.

Here is picture thought I am sharing ... ballerina? or fairy?

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. Fairy definitely, but a fairy princess surely! I loved Notes from a Small Island - his interactions with the landlady at the beginning were hilarious.

    Have a wonderful week!

  2. What a sweet sweet photo :)

  3. Oh I love that photo. I agree fairy princess.
