Monday, December 01, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 1st December

For Monday 1st December

Outside My Window ... dark, cold, wet December morning.

I am thinking ... about the possibility of Star and Little Cherub switching rooms. Star likes her old room, even though it is smaller than her current one, and a larger room would give more space for Cherub to play and room for toy storage.

From the learning rooms ... Help Week at Angel's school, fund raising for various charities.

I am thankful for ... a quiet day today.

From the kitchen ... turkey steaks and mushroom sauce for dinner. Mince pies to be baked if I have the energy.

I am wearing ... ridiculous pink pyjamas.

I am creating ... socks. I had an urge to knit socks. One toddler pair is done (blue, her choice), and I am working on a pair for myself.

I am going ... to rest as much as possible today. It is my turn for the cough and cold that has been working its way round the family.

I am reading ... Christmas books. Admiring impressive crafts and complicated recipes that I have no intention of attempting.

I am hoping ... Little Cherub has a good long nap this afternoon. She didn't settle until 10.30 last night and is likely to be tired and cross today.

I am hearing ... Tevye leaving for work.

Around the house ... Advent wreath and calendar. No Jesse Tree this year - I decided to settle for doing less things but doing them well.

One of my favorite things ... Christmas! And by extension, Advent. I love everything about the whole season.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a mother and daughter shopping expedition with Star; helping to organise an end of term Nativity Play for the First Communion classes ... there are two classes and they have only rehearsed separately ... Mary and Joseph have never met ... it is going to be an exercise in chaos limitation.

Here is picture thought I am sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.

1 comment:

  1. We awoke to a delightfully mild day, it rained in the night, but promises to be a pretty decent day here :) I haven't attempted socks yet, will you post on your knitting blog?? Hugs and Happy Advent and December to you and yours!
