Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year Resolutions 2009

I found it hard to narrow down my resolutions down to five this year, but after some thought I ended up with these:

  • Go to adoration and benediction as often as possible on Saturday morning. As it is only for half an hour and fits in neatly after the First Communion class I teach, it should be quite easy to do.
  • To respond to needs and requests promptly, rather than saying "just a minute" (and then taking five ... or ten ... or more)
  • Lose 20lbs
  • Finish the half-written book on Catholic history for children that has been left on hold since Little Cherub was born
  • Finish three large cross-stitch projects that have been 95% done for years (two of them since before Angel was born!)


  1. Ooh, I can't wait for the "formation" one to be done :)))) Happy New Year!

  2. Anonymous7:25 pm

    Happy New Year! I love reading you, but don't comment often. I like your family resolution - I also need to be better at that (frequently because I'm sitting at the computer more than I need to). I liked your "Been There, Done That" meme and used at at my site - thanks!
