Monday, November 03, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 3rd November

For Monday 3rd November

Outside My Window ... the grey of early dawn.

I am thinking ... about yesterday's Brazilian Grand Prix. Oh. My. Goodness. I'm not normally a fan of Formula 1 and big racing cars that go vrooom, but that race had us hooked. Lewis Hamilton overtaking on the final bend to become the youngest ever world champion. Finishes don't come more nailbiting than that.

From the learning rooms ... discussions about Angel's GCSE choices. She has to pick four options alongside the compulsory subjects (maths, English, science and RE). Currently she is thinking PE, geography, textiles (designing and making clothes and fabrics) and possibly graphic products, which seems to be a mix of technical drawing with product and packaging design. This combination should suit my practical, active daughter.

I am thankful for ... my new warm and comfy winter coat.

From the kitchen ... no time to cook today. Fish and chip takeaway tonight.

I am wearing ... warm blue pyjamas.

I am creating ... ballet shoes. Not the shoes themselves, but sewing on ribbons and darning the toes. Not my favourite job.

I am going ... to take Star and Cherub to London Zoo. There is an extra teacher training day tacked onto the half-term break so we are taking advantage of it.

I am reading ... English Catholic Heroes edited by John Jolliffe and The Magical Maze: Seeing the World Through Mathematical Eyes by Ian Stewart.

I am hoping ... my lost voice will return quickly, and my sore throat and cough will not trigger my asthma.

I am hearing ... oh dear! Little Cherub complaining about something!

Around the house ... lots of flowers. White carnations and yellow and orange roses from a visiting friend.

One of my favorite things ... Starbuck's coffee mocha with whipped cream.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... declutter and reorganise my knitting box; a meeting to plan the next few First Communion classes; a visit to the doctor if my voice doesn't come back.

Here is picture thought I am sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to add your own.


  1. Your comment about Angel's GCSE choices brought my memories flooding back, even though it's been 30 years! Our compulsory subjects were Maths, English and French, and we didn't have anything as fun as textiles or graphic products to choose from. I made foolish choices, based on friends' choices and failed physics, biology and chemistry miserably. I did ok in geology and the compulsory subjects but how I wish I had chosen domestic science, history and geography instead!

    Fish and chips takeaway! I'm so jealous.

    Have a great week.

  2. Oohhh fish and chips. YUM!

  3. 'I like to move it, move it!'

    That song came into my head when I saw the picture!
