Monday, November 10, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 10th November

For Monday 10th November

Outside My Window ... trees and houses silhouetted against a sky that is just beginning to lighten.

I am thinking ... how can it be the middle of November already? This term is flying past.

From the learning rooms ... art. I'm very impressed with Angel's art course this term. The theme is "myself", so there is lots of self-portrait work, but it is very varied and creative. The first half term they worked in monochrome, and now they are moving on to colour. One project example: trace an outline from a picture of herself, and then stick on tiny pieces of newspaper in a kind of mosaic to create the dark and light shading. Very effective.

I am thankful for ... my voice. It came back.

From the kitchen ... planning to bake Victoria sponge and lemon cakes this morning; dinner is shipwreck stew.

I am wearing ... the same warm blue pyjamas as last week.

I am creating ... nothing, but I'm determined I will pick up my knitting again this week. The mess that is my knitting box keeps putting me off.

I am going ... to have a nice quiet, routine sort of week.

I am reading ... Since Records Began: the Highs and Lows of British Weather by Paul Simons. Tevye says it is turning me into an anorak and a bore. "Did you know that Rickmansworth is one of the coldest places in Britain?" ... "No! And I didn't want to!"

I am hoping ... for a productive and organised week. Last week I struggled to get back to normal after half term disrupted my routine.

I am hearing ... thuds from upstairs as Angel and Star get dressed.

Around the house ... clothes drying, more waiting to be ironed, beds to be changed, floors to be washed.

One of my favorite things ... Monday mornings. Writing my daybook; thinking about the week ahead; organising my Toodledo list; enjoying the quiet.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... sort that knitting box (yes, I know that was on my list last week!); declutter toys; go to the gym; an evening out with Tevye.

Here is picture thought I am sharing ... for Remembrance Day

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to add your own.


  1. I posted a comment but it didnt come up so here goes again. Your daybook makes my mouth wter. I am fairly besotted by the shipwreck stew and lemon sponge cake! You must post a recipe!!!

  2. just found you thru the simple woman. that weather book sounds great! what is shipwreck stew? being a yankee, i have not heard of it.

    it was a baking day here and i made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.
