Saturday, October 25, 2008

Welsh Menu

For a couple of years we have shared more-or-less regular meals with two sets of neighbours. Each meal has an international theme, we rotate houses, and we each bring one course. It is great fun, and pushes us all out of our cookery comfort zones by making us try out new recipes Last night we hosted a Welsh dinner (we have just started working round the British Isles), and it was our turn to be responsible for the main course.

This was the menu:

Starter: Salmon fish cakes and green salad

Main course: Oen Cymreig melog (honeyed Welsh lamb), stwns (mashed potato and swede mixture) and roasted leeks

Dessert: Honey cake with meringue topping, strawberries and raspberries

The lamb was the nicest I have ever cooked, with delicious honey and cider gravy. I posted the recipe on my neglected cookery blog.

Our themed meals are adults only (no juggling picky appetites, toddler bedtimes, and busy teenagers!), but we also add in a couple of whole family evenings - an American BBQ for the Fourth of July and a Christmas buffet in December. Next up on the British Isles tour is a Scottish meal for Burns Night in January.


  1. Anonymous1:10 pm

    I love this. How fun. I can't wait to hear the Scottish meno - and what is Burns night? Nevermind, I'll Google it. Your meal sounds delicious.

  2. Anonymous1:12 pm

    OK, I looked it up. That's also so fun! If I remember I'll do it here too (hold the haggis). :)
