Monday, October 27, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 27th October

For Monday 27th October

Outside My Window ... wet ground, blue sky, a nip in the air.

I am thinking ... how nice it is to have my big girls home from school for their half-term break.

From the learning rooms ... half-term holiday!

I am thankful for ... an extra hour's sleep at the weekend when the clocks went back, and that Cherub also slept that extra hour after we kept her up late. (Shame she didn't sleep the extra hour this morning!)

From the kitchen ... pancakes for breakfast; shepherd's pie and sauteed cabbage for dinner; more apples to cook.

I am wearing ... cosy pink pyjamas. A child talked me into them. I look like an over-sized, over-sweet pink lollipop.

I am creating ... Christmas lists. Am I the only person who loves shopping for Christmas and likes to start early?

I am going ... to have a lazy, chilled-out day.

I am reading ... English Catholic Heroes edited by John Jolliffe.

I am hoping ... the girls have a good week and recharge their batteries.

I am hearing ... an advert for Playmobil. We love Playmobil!

Around the house ... early morning inertia. A sleeping teenager and two other children watching TV. (Note: Little Cherub does not spend all her time watching TV, I just tend to take advantage of TV time to write my daybook!)

One of my favorite things ... crisp, clear autumn days.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a drive to Northampton to buy Angel new pointe shoes, followed by a mother and daughter lunch; dental checks for the girls; Guide camp for Star; a couple of sleepovers; a trip to Borders for Starbuck's hot chocolate and a browse - I browse the books, Star and her friend browse Paperchase (they are on a stationery kick).

Here is picture thought I am sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to add your own.


  1. What a lovely, peaceful daybook entry.

    I love to shop for Christmas, too. Yes, there can be stresses in the season, but it's so nice to find and feel all the loveliness inherent in all our traditions, including gifts.

    Enjoy your break!

  2. I'm having shepherds pie for dinner too LOL You're the second or third person I've seen with it on the menu for tonight :)

    Loved your daybook entry :)

  3. I love reading your Daybook each week. No, you are not the only one who loves to shop for Christmas and likes to start early. I'm right there with you. We love Playmobil - we have four of the Advent Calendars that we drag out every Christmas even though my daughter is a teenager now! And I couldn't end this comment without a praise for Shepherd's Pie - one of my alltime favorite meals.

  4. I should say we drag out one of the four calendars each Christmas - we rotate them in a four-year cycle. I didn't want you to think we were obsessed and had four different Playmobil calendars displayed every year LOL!!

  5. I bet your pink Pajama's are pretty! I love to shop for Christmas early but seem to never have the extra money early to do it..I always hope each year I can do it early.
    Have fun shopping!

  6. I'm all for shopping early... especially online. Stress free (if at all possible) is my motto! :)
    I enjoyed your daybook.

  7. Anonymous10:03 pm

    I do enjoy your blog, Bookworm! I've been wanting to ask you if you have ever read the books by Ruth M. Arthur? They had them in the Dallas library when I was a pre-teen girl and I absolutely loved them. My favorite was The Saracen Lamp. Just the thing for a very romantic, history loving girl.

    Rachel in Texas
