Monday, October 20, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 20th October

For Monday 20th October

Outside My Window ... grey skies and a fine drizzle.

I am thinking ... how hard I find it to get moving in the morning. I am so not a morning person.

From the learning rooms ... cutting and sticking for Little Cherub, which she has taken to with enthusiasm - though the "cutting" is more mangling and shredding.

I am thankful for ... Little Cherub's quick recovery from the sickness bug she had at the end of last week.

From the kitchen ... apples, windfalls from a friend's tree, that are going to make Dorset apple cake, applesauce cake, apple crumble and stewed apples. Dinner is baked potatoes and chilli.

I am wearing ... black jeans, black and white striped t-shirt, beige crocs.

I am creating ... more booklists.

I am going ... to clear out clutter for the older girls to take when they go to a car boot sale on Sunday with my brother. If I can bring myself to look at the clutter mountain in the garage.

I am (still) reading ... Women of the Raj by Margaret MacMillan. I'm about half way through.

I am hoping ... nobody else gets sick!

I am hearing ... Big Cook, Little Cook on TV, getting Cherub in the mood for baking (and keeping her and her porridge in one place).

Around the house ... unmade beds and morning chaos.

One of my favorite things ... old-fashioned puddings - treacle sponge and custard, bread and butter pudding, rice pudding, spotted dick, jam roly-poly. All those old school dinner favourites!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... dinner with two sets of neighbours on Friday. We do international themes and each bring a course. This time it is a Welsh meal and our turn to cook the main course, which will probably be lamb. Dance school prizegiving on Sunday.

Here is picture thought I am sharing ... the 13th century village church where Angel and I played in a brass band concert on Saturday.

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to add your own.


  1. My mouth is watering!! You've listed all my favorites - apple crumble, treacle sponge, rice pudding - there will definitely be something covered in custard after our dinner tonight.

    Where is the church that you posted? It looks so familiar.

    Have a lovely week!

  2. Oh that church is just gorgeous, oh my goodness :)

    What a great daybook, I really enjoyed reading it :)

    My Menu Plan

    My Daybook

  3. The church is St. Peter and St. Paul at Cranfield in Bedfordshire.

  4. I had technical difficulties all day yesterday and couldn't leave a comment. That Dorset Apple Cake sounds so yummy, but I have such a hard time substituting British recipes. Everything I search online contradicts each other. But I found a version of recipe in one of my cookbooks, "From An English Oven" by Dorothy Gladys Spicer...and so I plan on trying it.

    And I love your book lists, especially for the Saints. Makes me want to buy all of them, British and American alike. Your list is something I've been meaning to do here, too.
