Monday, October 13, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 13th October

For Monday 13th October

Outside My Window ... a dull grey morning after a perfect, sunny autumn weekend.

I am thinking ... that October is my favourite month.

From the learning rooms (school) ... new opportunities at school for Angel. An adventure and activity trip next summer - rock climbing, sea cliff traversing, hiking, kayaking and more - and a coaching academy through which she can earn coaching qualifications in a variety of sports. She wants to learn to coach gymnastics and trampoline, but has to wait until next March when she is fourteen.

I am thankful for ... friends, new and old, online and "real life"

From the kitchen ... pink fairy cakes waiting for pink icing (frosting), sponge cakes baking in the oven, chicken stir fry for dinner.

I am wearing ... blue jeans, green, beige and cream striped sweater, Crocs, mother-of-pearl disc pendant necklace.

I am creating ... plans for a new kitchen. It looks as though we may be able to replace our kitchen next year, and I can't wait to have a cooker and fridge big enough for our needs. I had to cook thirty biscuits in four batches because the one tray that will fit in the oven only holds eight, and anything put on the lower shelf takes forever. Aarghh!!!! I hate that oven. Shame I can't find an online kitchen planner that works on a Mac. As it is I'm having to plan on paper, the old-fashioned way.

I am going ... to take Little Cherub to the toddler group at the local Anglican Church. I used to take Angel and Star when they were little. They start the session by letting the children ring the church bells, which they love. I hope Cherub doesn't find herself soaring up to the belfry on the end of a rope!

I am reading ... Women of the Raj by Margaret MacMillan, thanks to a Daybook recommendation at Chez Nous.

I am hoping ... for some more sunny autumn days.

I am hearing ... Mr Tumble on TV. Little Cherub has houmous and pitta dips, and I am shamelessly using the TV to keep her from wandering around with them, smearing houmous wherever she goes.

Around the house ... clutter. It is bugging me. I feel a decluttering phase coming on.

One of my favorite things ... baking with Little Cherub.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a routine dental visit, a playdate with a new friend for Little Cherub followed by that toddler group, rhyme time at the library, another brass band concert.

Here is picture thought I am sharing ... an autumn photo from a couple of years ago

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to add your own.


  1. Great daybook :) The book sounds interesting I'll have to look for it at the library.

  2. I really enjoyed your Daybook today and I had a wonderful surf through your blog. I was transported back to England just reading the words "fairy cakes" and "sponge cake" and I love the autumn picture. Then I scrolled down a little and "One Shelf at a Time" caught my eye - I am going to borrow that idea one day; it's so neat to read about your books. I have to find The English Landscape and the Enid Blyton Nature book that's on one of your lower shelves. And then, to top it all off, your July 29th entry with all the Beatrix Potter links was fabulous!

    Have a wonderful week!

  3. Anonymous2:32 am

    How neat that you daughter already knows what she wants to do. My oldest does too. Bugs some people but I think it's pretty cool to be so young and so focused. Sounds like a great opportunity. :-)

