Thursday, October 02, 2008

Ourdoor Hour

This Handbook of Nature Study blog by Harmony Art Mom looks a wonderful resource. She posts regular Outdoor Hour Challenges based on Anna Comstock's Handbook of Nature Study. Now, I didn't get on with the book and sold my copy - I found it too dense and had trouble adapting it for the UK - but based on a quick skim through it looks as though the blog has plenty of ideas that can be used without the book and wherever you are in the world.

HT: Some nice person's blog. (Note to self: when clicking on blogger's links, try to remember where you found the link.)


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you ... I've been wanting someone to hold my hand while trying to use Comstock's book! This is a great blog.

    And I LOVE the new banner -- gorgeous!

  2. I agree about Comstock. Now I've not only not used it, but also spilt coffee on it, so it's unsaleable :-(

    I got to that blog via Theresa -- maybe you did too.
