Monday, September 01, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: September 1st

For Monday 1st September

Outside My Window
... washing hanging on the line and skies turning ominously grey.

I am thinking ... about the new season that begins tomorrow when the big girls go back to school and it will be just Little Cherub and I at home again.

I am thankful for
... a husband who is happy for me to be a stay-at-home Mum.

From the kitchen ... leftovers from two cooked chickens I bought yesterday to use up.

I am wearing ... blue jeans, pale blue short sleeved sweater, dark blue Crocs, necklace (mother of pearl disc on a leather thong)

I am creating ... a cross-stitched lavendar bag. I haven't cross-stitched for a while and wanted a small project to take on holiday last week.

I am going ... to tidy up my Toodledo to-do list (abandoned over the last month) and Google Calendars. I also want to flip through First Art: Art Experiences for Toddlers and Twos for ideas I can use with Little Cherub, and make a list of simple gardening projects we can do. And believe me, given my black thumbs they need to be really simple.

I am reading ... In Defence of Food: the Myth of Nutrition and the Pleasures of Eating by Michael Pollan. Though in my case food and the pleasures of eating don't need much defending.

I am hoping ... that Hurricane Gustav doesn't cause the same havoc as Katrina.

I am hearing ... a door creaking, the washing machine whirring and Little Cherub snoring on my lap.

Around the house ... piles of washing. How can one week away produce so much?

One of my favorite things ... snuggling a snoozing toddler.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... not much. A quiet week as we get back into term-time routine.

Here is picture thought I am sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to add your own.


  1. How lovely, sounds as though you are taking things at a good pace, enough time to savour cuddles and notice the things around you.

  2. We liked that book, glad the holiday went well and hope the back to school season goes smoothly!

  3. I enjoyed reading your entry; have a lovely week! :)

  4. I enjoyed your daybook. Have a great day!

  5. Love your daybook! Have a great week!

  6. Anonymous2:35 pm

    I have been wanting to read "In Defense of Food." You know, it's spelled differently here...I wonder if there's anything else different?


  7. I doubt any thing has changed apart from Anglicised spelling. All the references to brands are American.

  8. Anonymous3:13 pm

    I enjoyed reading your daybook...
    In Defense of Food is an awesome book. :)

  9. Great picture! I hope you enjoy First Art; I don't have any experience using it but I have been introducing my DD to art since she was little and it is so rewarding when she can identify an artist at a gallery. I'm a firm believer that a study of history should include all facets - art history, composers history, literary history, etc. I love your Literary Tour posts and I will be using some of our suggestions for our tour.

    Have a lovely week!

  10. Great pic...I love those "cheese-me" grins.

    My girls start school tomorrow as well, and, well, here goes another routine change!

    Have a great week.

  11. Great daybook :) Love the picture!

    My Daybook Entry

  12. Anonymous2:05 am

    I LOVE the picture! So cute and happy!

  13. Anonymous10:59 pm

    I wish I could see laundry hanging on the line out my window but our weather has not been conducive to line drying clothes.

    Cuddling a toddler, those where the days.


  14. Anonymous11:00 pm

    I wish I could see laundry hanging on the line out my window but our weather has not been conducive to line drying clothes.

    Cuddling a toddler, those where the days.

