Monday, August 18, 2008

And Back Again ...

Lessons learned on our camping trip ...
  • If you buy an £8 tent from Tesco, you get what you pay for. It wasn't entirely waterproof. Fortunately it only rained on our second night, and Star and A-next-door only got a little bit wet.
  • If you plan to cook outdoors in England, a windbreak is an essential piece of equipment. Otherwise you will find yourself trying to cook while simultaneously holding a golf umbrella at the appropriate angle.
  • Take more spare gas canisters for your small gas cooker than you think you will need. Unless you want to find yourself out of gas and with no cup of tea or cooked breakfast on your last morning.
And yes, we did have a good time! Photos to follow when I have uploaded them from K-next-door's camera.


  1. You'd have to come and pick it up but we have a very expensive eight man, two bedroomed tent you can cook in... which you are welcome to borrow :)

  2. Ooops! Should have warned you about the windbreak thing.

    I saw the 2 small tents Tesco were offering and had to decide which one to get for Jack to camp in. Picked the 15 quid one because of the double layer. One layer can't possibly deal with rain. I suspect the 8 quid one was more for playing in the garden with.{g}

    Glad you had a good time anyway!

  3. Well, I can't wait for the photos, sounds like fun anyhoo!!

  4. Dorothy, you made the right call!

    Missus W ... thanks for the offer. If I ever talk Tevye into camping for more than one experimental night, I may well take you up on it.
