Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: July 1st

For Tuesday 1st July (a day late as I was out all day yesterday)

Outside My Window ... the darkening sky of a warm summer's evening.

I am thinking ... how sleepy I feel. Yesterday the older girls had a day off school and we went to a theme park with my neighbour and her two girls. Great fun but tiring.

I am thankful for ... a 13 year old daughter who will take her overtired but determinedly awake small sister to bed with her and cuddle her to sleep.

From the kitchen ... dark. The light has a loose connection which has disconnected itself again. If I hit it with a wooden spoon, it usually comes back on again.

I am wearing ... jeans, a black and white striped t-shirt and grey Crocs.

I am creating ... a menu plan for the month. I'm a bit behind due to being away last week.

I am going ... to IKEA with an old school friend tomorrow.

I am reading ... I am in between books. I just finished a biography of Rumer Godden and haven't yet picked up anything else.

I am hoping ... to get fitter. I joined the gym. Along with my exercise loving daughter, who I hope will keep me up to the mark and make sure I get there.

I am hearing ... the TV Tevye is watching.

Around the house ... everyone is resting or sleeping.

One of my favorite things ... rollercoasters. I have one of those cast iron constitutions that doesn't mind being thrown around and tipped upside down.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... IKEA, Little Cherub's music and movement class (she loves this), lunch with my Mum, playing with the brass band on Saturday, a July 4th BBQ with neighbours (yes, I know we are not American, but any excuse for a party!)

Here is picture thought I am sharing ...
We went up this at 80mph. And down again. Very fast. Eek!

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to add your own.


  1. I wish I had a 13 year old to help out with the toddler. That sounds lovely. As does the roller coaster. Haven't been on one in years but I do love them. Once I've got past that first drop.

    I was just thinking the other day that I might be interested in finding out more about Rumer Godden since I'm reading so many of her novels. My current read is The River. What's the title of the bio you read and do you recommend it?

  2. I love roller coasters! Or at least I did 15 years ago - that's how long it's been. I also have a 13yo child, although mine is a son.

  3. Melanie, it was Rumer Godden by Anne Chisholm. I thought it was generally good - she was an "official" biographer and obviously had access to Rumer herself, family members and family papers, and I felt it gave a good picture of who Rumer Godden was and why she wrote as she did. I was disappointed that it rather glossed over her conversion to Catholicism. It was mentioned, but there was no real explanation of her spiritual journey.

    I remember reading the first volume of her autobiography some years ago, and would like to read the second. The biography suggested that she tended to blur fact and fiction at times in the autobiography, and it would be interesting to see how different Rumer's own perception was to Anne Chisholm's.

  4. That's rather disappointing. I'd find her conversion to be one of the most interesting parts. But I may see if I can find that and the autobiography. I don't read much non-fiction but my interest has been piqued.

  5. Aren't you lucky to have a 13 year old who even knows other people exist! Sounds like a keeper to me!

  6. Hi. Nice to 'meet' you through your Daybook. These Daybooks are fun! Come by and see mine.

