Monday, July 14, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: July 14th

For Monday 14th July

Outside My Window
... leaves fluttering in a light breeze and laundry on the line.

I am thinking ... of plans for the summer holidays that begin on Friday

I am thankful for ... a break from the wet, miserable weather of last week

From the kitchen ... baked potatoes, chilli and salad for dinner. Wholemeal bread in the oven made using this superfast wholemeal recipe (ready to eat in little over an hour). I would also have made white bread using the home made bread recipe I tested out last week, but discovered I had run out of flour.

I am wearing ... cropped beige trousers and a white t-shirt

I am creating ... puzzles. Little Cherub has discovered floor puzzles, which she has decided are for me to do and her to watch ("Mummy do dig-daw!"). I bought three more used ones at the weekend so we can now cover almost the entire living room floor.

I am going ... to the gym. I'm aiming to go at least three times a week.

I am reading ... How the Heather Looks by Joan Bodger. Still. Slowly.

I am hoping ... the current frostiness between Angel and J-next-door will thaw over the summer.

I am hearing ... Animal Alphabet Songs. It was an implusive iTunes download and Little Cherub adores it. We are listening to Rabbit.

Around the house ... dust. Housework that needs doing. Last week I got behind due to a combination of lack of sleep (wakeful Little Cherub) and teenage traumas (see "I am hoping ..." above).

One of my favorite things ... train journeys. Given the choice I would always choose to travel by train or boat rather than car or plane.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... last week's postponed trip to the zoo with Little Cherub, a haircut for Star, Rhyme Time at the library, a silver wedding party on Saturday. Angel has end of term stuff - her Year 8 show (Oliver) and middle school leavers' prom.

Here is picture thought I am sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to add your own.


  1. Anonymous2:10 pm

    I'd forgotten about Meez! Love the zoo background, hope you two make it there this week in lovely weather!

  2. I confess it was a recycled Meez from an old blog post ... but it does fit perfectly!

  3. Anonymous3:11 pm

    We're wrapping up our school year this week, as well. Our oldest has his 8th grade graduation this Friday. I think it still surprises my parents and other family members that home edder's have 'normal' school functions, lol!

    Enjoy your trip to the zoo, and I hope you thoroughly enjoy your girls home for the summer!

    Have a lovely week,
    God Bless,

  4. Anonymous3:25 pm

    Teenage trauma-that's sometimes life!! Can't let housework get in the way of life! It'll always be there, waiting for us!!:}
    Hope this week shapes up better!

    Thanks for sharing,

  5. Great picture, you are sure one busy woman! I love trains, too. We don't use them enough here in the US.

  6. I haven't been on a train in forever :)

    Great picture!

  7. Anonymous8:54 pm

    I have never ridden a train and would d love to!!
