Monday, July 28, 2008

Menu Plan Monday: July 28th

Thanks to Missus Wookie I discovered Menu Plan Monday at I'm An Organizing Junkie, which sits rather nicely alongside the Simple Woman's Daybook as a way of taking stock at the beginning of the week.

Monday: Lucy's Lazy Like Sunday Morning Chicken, carrots

Tuesday: Tomato and Pepper Pasta (a new recipe I am testing out)

Wednesday: Salmon salad

Thursday: Jacket potatoes and chilli

Friday: Fish fingers, oven chips (fries), peas (Friday is always a lazy, out-of-the-freezer or instant-junkish sort of day)

Saturday: Not sure whether we will be in or out ... maybe pizza?

Sunday: Roast chicken, roast potatoes and assorted vegetables

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:04 am

    Menu planning does start me off for hte week feeling organised. Joining in wiht Org Junkie, is also a great source of inspiration for new recipes.
