Saturday, June 07, 2008

A Random Meme

Time for a meme, I think. HT: As Cozy As Spring

What was I doing ten years ago?
I can remember that very clearly. I was nearly seven months pregnant with Star, and we were spending a week's holiday in Belgium. My Dad was suffering from terminal cancer and had just been moved into hospice care, but seemed to be doing better so we decided to take a much needed break. He died the day after we returned.

What are five (non-work) items on my to-do list today?
  1. Pick up library books.
  2. Buy yarn.
  3. Update my budget and accounts.
  4. Wrap Little Cherub's birthday presents.
  5. Buy or make a birthday cake.
Five Snacks I Enjoy:
  1. Marmite flavour crisps
  2. Salted popcorn
  3. McVities caramel digestives
  4. Bananas
  5. Chocolate
Things I would do if I were a billionaire: (I'm just listing the fun stuff)
  1. Spend every summer by the sea.
  2. Take out lifetime membership of the London Library.
  3. Travel first class on trains and planes.
  4. Hire a personal trainer to motivate me to get moving.
  5. Buy a MacBook Air
Places I have lived:
  1. Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
  2. Walthamstow, East London
  3. Chingford, East London
  4. Ilford, Essex
  5. Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
Jobs I have had:
  1. Assembling TV aerial parts in an electronics factory
  2. Sub-post office clerk
  3. Trainee actuary
  4. Lecturer in medieval history
  5. Publisher's reader
Anyone else want to play along?


  1. I might play when I get my hand free from nursing baby, too much typing for one handed.

    I had to look up Marmite. Fortunately wikipedia has a thorough entry.

  2. Anonymous10:37 pm

    Buy yarn! I wish I could join you. You have to tell me some of your favorite UK yarn shops so I can pass them along to my sister.

  3. Jennifer, I buy yarn either from a small specialist retailer in our town, or on the internet - where I shop largely by price! Often I am able to find what I want quite cheaply on ebay. Of the bigger internet stores, Angel Yarns seems pretty good.
