Sunday, May 04, 2008

Shakespeare Country

Tevye and I have been away ... two days and one night on our own! Star is at Brownie camp, Angel stayed over with her Grandma, and K-next-door offered to have Little Cherub (who apparently woke up at 5.30am, ready to start her day. Ouch!). We had planned to go to Cambridge and stay over in cheap-and-cheerful motel, but had a last minute change of plan. Who knew when we would get the chance to go away on our own again? We splurged ... and went here, to Salford Hall Hotel in Warwickshire.

And yes, it was as nice as it looks. It was also a historian's dream house. The white, timbered section on the right in the photo is the original medieval house, built c.1470; the stone part was added later, completed in 1602. I'll be writing a post on the (Catholic!) history of the house later. Our room was in the "new", Tudor section (you can see the window, second from left, upper floor). These were some of the beams in our room.

We spent Friday pottering around Stratford. Yes, that would be William Shakespeare's Stratford. Here is his birthplace ...

And Holy Trinity Church where he was buried ...

And Will himself ...

And finally, a puzzle. How did these fairies come to be hovering in front of Shakespeare's birthplace?

If you want more photos, I put them into a public Picasa album. You can also find the answer to the fairy photo there.

Yesterday, we meandered slowly back through the Cotswolds, but my inner photographer apparently took the day off!


  1. Anonymous2:58 pm

    Amazing! Thanks for sharing your vacation with us.

  2. Anonymous7:55 pm

    Lovely!!! I'm jealous! :-) But so happy for you!!

  3. Reflection in a shop window?

  4. Quite right Dorothy ... but I didn't notice it until after I took the photo.
