Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Look For June

Summer makes me long for the sea. My very favourite part of the English coast is Cornwall, so I've put a picture of St. Michael's Mount near Penzance in the header. The photo comes from Flickr user hartlandmartin and is used under a Creative Commons licence.

Thanks to Alicia at Moms Who Blog I have managed to add a menu bar. The tabs (should!) take you to compilations of my Our Lady Around the World posts, the literary tour of England I posted a couple of years ago, and various book reviews.


  1. Very nice! You're the first person I've heard of that's managed to use my instructions to implement the menu bar on all their own. :)

  2. Beautiful photo. We need to have a day at the beach sometime soon. We live almost within spitting distance of the ocean and yet I can let months go by without seeing the water.

  3. What a pretty photo and color scheme, Kathryn!

  4. I love the new look, it's positively Juney!! Hugs!

  5. Alicia ... I was quite pleased with myself ;). Though once I got my tabs, I wasn't quite sure what to put in them!

    Rebecca ... the colour scheme is thanks to one of the sites you recommended a while back ( I think), so you can take the credit :)

  6. Wow! Great new look!
