Wednesday, April 09, 2008

April's Shower of Photos: Day 9

I tried to take a close-up of a couple of daisies and failed miserably, so here to fill the gap is a photo taken a while ago at a homeschool group field trip to Ashridge. The education team there provide various nature based activities for groups. On this trip the children first had to make "colour palettes" by sticking small samples of different coloured leaves, grass, flowers, bark and so on onto cards with a strip of double-side tape. Then they had to collect materials to make a large-scale picture before viewing (and photographing) the end result from the top of this monument. The girls' group made this flower.

It was taken with my old 3 megapixel camera so the details aren't clear, but the yellow petals were heaps of leaves, the stem was quite large branches, and the flower and leaves were outlined with twigs.


  1. Anonymous8:39 pm

    So how big did the flower end up being? It looks like it could be quite large!

  2. It was BIG ... maybe 12 to 15 feet long? The whole session was great fun, and something it would be easy to do informally with any group of children.
