Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Note to self ...

When experimenting with giving a toddler couscous for lunch, do not place the bowl of couscous and a spoon in front of said toddler and then turn your back (even if it is to read an excellent post by Meredith). Especially when the toddler does not yet have great spoon control. And even more especially when the room is carpeted.

And remember to take note of when said toddler has finished eating spilling couscous and intervene before she gets down from her chair and wanders round the room.

Even after brushing her down and giving the room a through vacuum, I'm still finding bits of couscous.


  1. Yoghurt! That's the answer!

    Just enough to stick the cous cous together:-) Bilby is a fan of cous cous, but it does make a mess! Add a little greek style yoghurt (or labne:-) ) and it goes on the spoon much more easily—or sticks to the hands which is also advantageous:-)

  2. ROTFLOL!! Oh you are too sweet! Rice is no better, I'm with Fe, go with the yogurt :)

  3. Yikes!

    We haven't tried couscous yet, though rice is a favorite-- and very messy as she eschews the spoon and treats it as finger food.

    Most of Bella's meals are taken at the kitchen table, which is bar height and thus she's strapped into her booster seat on the bar stool. No climbing down until I release her. And there's linoleum in there too, much easier for cleanup. Not that I clean it as often as I should, mind you. ;) But dinner is with us in the dining room and the carpet is an issue there. Somehow that's always where rice is served too.

  4. We love cous cous but yes, our 4 yo finds it hard to eat and won't now accept babyish additions to it to make actual consumption easier.

  5. *grin*

    The good thing about yogurt is that in most cases we're all eating it as well (we often have cous cous with a yogurt marinaded lamb roast:-) )—Bilby doesn't see it as a babyish addition:-)
