Saturday, January 05, 2008

Good Reads

Yesterday I spent a late night with the computer - Tevye went to bed early to nurse the nasty cold / sore throat ickiness he has had since Christmas Eve, while I stayed downstairs and played - and followed Meredith of Sweetness and Light along to Good Reads. I'm not entirely sure how to describe this ... a virtual bookshelf? a virtual library? a literary community? a shared reading diary? Probably all of these things.

I'm planning to use it largely as a reading log for the year, for myself and for Little Cherub. I'm also looking forward to seeing what friends are reading, though I think it could mean I end up with a very long Amazon wishlist. Good Reads would also be a good place to collect together and share booklists, or to catalogue a home library ... but I'm doing the first elsewhere, and the second would be a useful but over time-consuming exercise.

You can find my bookshelves here. Not that there is much on them yet.

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