Monday, December 10, 2007

The Twelve Days of Christmas

I dug out a few of our simpler Christmas books for Little Cherub and she has fixated on The Twelve Days of Christmas by Jan Brett. A good choice, as I love Jan Brett's illustrations.

When we read we have to spend some time dwelling on "five gold rings" - she is very impressed by these, as she had not discovered rings before and has to inspect my ringed fingers and her ringless ones carefully every time we reach this page. Another attraction are the squirrels on the first page - here she points to the back garden and the front window to indicate that here are places where she sees squirrels, then signs "all gone" to indicate there are none there just now.

Today, she had a lightbulb moment and made a new connection. Now, whenever we get to "eight maids a-milking" she insists on taking a break from reading for a little milk snack. Honestly Cherub, this is taking breastfeeding on demand a step too far ...


  1. WE adore all of Jan Brett's work but most especially this one!!! I'm not sure if she's too little for this but I found some gold rings at Michaels in the bridal section and we like to spoon them back and forth between two pretty bowls. She could do it with you sitting with her maybe!! Love,

  2. How lovely! Such precious moments...

  3. I love Jan Brett; but we haven't discovered this one yet. Looks like I'll have to add it to our list.

    Too funny about the breastfeeding on demand.

  4. She's just a little milkmaid!
