Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Saint Lucy's Day Miracle

Many people in the Catholic homeschooling world know - online, if not in person - Jenn Miller, who contributed many of the liturgical year articles at Catholic Culture and continues to share boundless ideas on how to celebrate the Christian year with children through her blog and elsewhere.

Back in March Jenn shared in this post her hopes and prayers for a long awaited second child and her struggle to accept the possibility that the answer to her prayers was "no". Today on the feast of St. Lucy she gave birth to her second son, Nicholas Peter, born safely by c-section at 36 and a half weeks.

As someone who has known the joy of a miracle baby myself, I can't tell you how thrilled I am to know someone else is experiencing that same special joy. Congratulations, Jenn! There are a lot of people who will be smiling their way through Christmas, thinking of you and that precious little boy.

I know it is a bit late for this year, but if you want ideas for celebrating St. Lucy's Day, check out Jenn's post last year at O Night Divine.


  1. What happy, happy news! Thank you so much for passing it on.

  2. Kathryn, Thank you so much for the sweet post and especially for the prayers! I also view it as a St. Lucy Day miracle. He truly is a very precious bundle.

    I updated the St. Lucia post here:
