Saturday, November 03, 2007

News and a little drama

Good news: Little Cherub is well on the way to recovery following her stomach flu.

Bad news: I now have the stomach flu.

Really, really good - but in the circumstances, slightly complicating - news: I am six weeks pregnant. Yes, that's right. At 47, with a round-the-clock nursing toddler. (Me to doctor: "What are the chances of that?" Doctor (grinning): "Very low!")

Add together early pregnancy, stomach flu and a recovering-from-stomach-flu toddler on an all day nursing binge, and what do you get? A midnight trip to A & E (Accident and Emergency) to be rehydrated with i/v fluids and given anti-nausea medication to make sure I can keep down fluids. Everyone needs a little drama in life now and again, but I prefer it when our dramas don't involve a trip to A & E .

Thankfully, I am feeling a lot better now. Limp, exhausted and still a little nauseous, but human again. Tevye - who is himself walking wounded with a much milder version of the bug - has taken over everything and sent me to bed for the weekend. Please pray for a quick recovery from the flu, for a healthy pregnancy, and that we will get to meet this little baby at the end of June. Thank you!


  1. Dear Kathryn,
    You are all SO in my prayers!

  2. Anonymous4:18 pm

    I am beyond thrilled for you and Tevye. What a blessing. I will have you and your little one commemorated during the Liturgy for these next many months.
    Big, huge hug,

  3. We're so happy for you! :)

  4. What wonderful news! Praying for you.

  5. Checking in to see how little cherub is progressing. So glad she's feeling better. And so sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly. Congratulations on the wonderful news about the newest little one. We'll definitely keep you in our prayers.

  6. Kathryn! Congrats and hoping that the yuckiness passes quickly .... I've always heard homeschooling makes you young again ... now you've proved it!

    Hugs, prayers and blessings all round!

  7. What wonderful, wonderful news!!!

  8. Oh, the best news I've had today!! What a joy! Praying you are over the flu portion quickly so you can get on with your morning sickness :) Praying for your little one too!

  9. Goodness me, what an absolutely lovely surprise! Many congratulations and prayers!

  10. Anonymous5:47 pm

    Wow! Congrats are in order!

  11. Anonymous1:25 pm

    Kathryn, this is wonderful news! I hope your recovering quickly. You and this baby will be in my prayers.

  12. I am delighted for you! This is just fabulous news, Kathryn (of course I mean the baby not the sickness :)

    Hoping you are on the mend soon.

  13. {{{{{{{{{{{{{Kathryn}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    So that's why you weren't at Wendrie's on Saturday! We missed you!

    Praying *hard* for you and the little one.
