Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm soooo sleepy ....

... I'm yawning as I type.

Sleeping when Little Cherub naps is a must, which means less blogging time. Still no nausea or sickness though, which is a luxury.

And the good news is that at an early ultrasound scan yesterday the sonographer saw what she was happy was a viable early pregnancy, with the tiniest of heartbeats at the very limits of what the scan could pick up. She thinks I may be a week out on dates, so I am having another scan next week to check everything is going as it should and to get a more accurate dating.


  1. Take those naps! The blog can always wait until the second trimester. :-) I remember that bone-weariness of first trimesters!

  2. Oh yeah, that first trimester exhaustion is sooo much harder with a busy toddler, sleeping when she does is a must! I confess some mornings I also did some light snoozing on the couch while she played quietly nearby and every once in a while hit me with a book.

  3. Kathryn,

    I had scans at 6 weeks for my pregnancies too (for various reasons) and that tiny heartbeat is so lovely and reassuring, isn't it?

    And it's so odd that someone so minute can make us so sleepy!

  4. Praying for you and "Baby Small"
