Sunday, October 14, 2007

Light Fantastic

Our local metropolis has been holding a free Light Fantastic event over the last couple of days and Angel persuaded me to take her along last night. I was glad she did. We watched fireworks and lasers ...

This heliosphere - an illuminated giant balloon with a dangling acrobat, who bobbed up in the air and then down to touch the hands of the crowd below ...

And Transe Express, a very unusual ... display? I'm not sure what to call it. Whatever it was, it was spectacular. Picture torchlit entertainers ...

Eight percussion sets and three trapeze artists dangling from a giant rotating cage raised into the air by a crane to the music of bells and drums from said percussion sets ...

Which opened out like the petals of a flower as it was raised higher and higher into the air ...

What gets me, though, is who thought this up? What type of brain comes up with the concept of a human musical box, crossed with a child's mobile, dangling from a crane? And turns it into an hour's amazing entertainment?

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