Saturday, October 06, 2007

Book Week

This past week has been Children's Book Week here in the UK, and all three girls have had a suitably bookish week.

For Angel and Star yesterday's school day was dedicated to books. They had a non-uniform day and were encouraged to dress up as a character from a "Book for Bedtime" - Angel and two friends were the three little pigs, and Star a solitary representative of Snow White's dwarves (this was a last minute change of plan!). Instead of the usual lessons the whole school was split up into small groups and each group spent the day writing and illustrating their own book. I'm not sure what Angel's group did. Star's came up with a complicated sounding fairy tale set in Poland, involving Medusa and an invented animal that was a cross between a bear and ... something - Star forgot what, but given that it was called a Fear it probably began with F!

On Thursday Little Cherub and I stumbled into a Bookstart event for preschoolers at the library, with stories and simple craft activities based on Elmer and the jungle. And I did a little shopping at the library book sale :).

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