Tuesday, September 04, 2007


For those of you curious about what children do in school, here are the girls timetables. They have five lessons a day, each one hour long. The structure of the day is Registration / Assembly (2o minutes), Lesson 1, Break (15 minutes), Lessons 2 and 3, Lunch (55 minutes), Afternoon Registration (10 minutes), Lessons 4 and 5. They start at 8.50 and finish at 3.30.

Monday - Music, French, Maths, French, RE (Two French lessons in one day seems an odd arrangement to me. RE = religious education, which means learning about religions, rather than being taught religion.)
Tuesday - Design and Technology, Science, English, Maths, Humanities (History and geography are lumped together as humanities, alternating in two week blocks.)
Wednesday - Humanities, PE, Maths, Design and Technology, English (Design and Technology for Angel includes art, woodwork, needlework and "food technology".)
Thursday - Maths, Science, English, PE, Humanities
Friday - Science, English, IT (= Information Technology = computers), Humanities, PSHE (= Personal, Social and Health Education, which so far as I can see is a catch all for whatever the government currently fancies indoctrinating children with)

Monday - English, Science, Maths, Humanities, Design and Technology
Tuesday, English, Maths, French, Science, PE
Wednesday - English, RE, Maths, Art, Science
Thursday - IT, English, Music, Maths, PE
Friday - Humanities, Maths, English, English, PSHE (Yes, that really is two separate English lessons, not a typo. Why? No idea! The second class is taught by a different teacher to all her other English classes.)

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