Saturday, September 08, 2007

Rosary Three-Part Cards

I have been gathering things to put into the Faith Boxes I want to make for Little Cherub. I started downloading pictures of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary for Advent and Christmas, and ended up making an entire set of Montessori-style three-part cards for all twenty Mysteries. For now I will just put copies in the boxes as pictures to look at - though I am beginning to wonder whether I should extend the boxes for Star and include the full three-part cards now.

You can find a beautifully clear description of how to use three-part cards over at the Onion Dome, where Katherine has made available cards illustrating the Great Feasts of the Orthodox liturgical year and icons of North American saints.

If you would like to download copies of the Rosary cards, you can find them as a .pdf file here (if I have done the technical stuff right!)


  1. Kathryn,
    This is a much, much appreciated gift! I can't thank you enough. I'm printing now and thrilled to have this for the coming term. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Oh, wonderful. I'm going to print and laminate a set this weekend!

  3. THANK YOU! Just in time for us to do the rosary in October ;)

  4. Stunning! Thank you so much!

  5. Anonymous8:58 am

    thank you so much for sharing. just in time for us to teach our kids about the rosary. God bless you!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing these. They are gorgeous and were my inspiration for creating some simialr ones despicting key events in the life of Mary. You can find mine at

  7. Those are wonderful! I am making rosary kits for small children. I crochet 10 small blue flowers for the Hail Marys and 1 white flower for the Our Father. The children can place a flower into the basket for each prayer. I am selling them to raise money for seminarians in Uganda. Would it be okay to print these and include them in the kits?

    Thank you.

  8. Steph3:23 am

    I stumbled across this post and I’m wondering if this file is available somewhere? Thank you.
