Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The downside

Star has found herself bearing a heavy emotional load this week. Her best friend F isn't settling in to their new school (she has a history of school-related problems, but homeschooling simply isn't possible for her). On Monday F went to school sobbing. Then there was a misunderstanding with a teacher. More sobs on the way home. Worse on Tuesday. Discussions with parents and teacher led to some resolution and less tears. Meanwhile Star has coaxed and comforted as best she can.

Then today, worse to come ... walking to school this morning, one of Star's classmates was hit by a van. Many of the other children, including Star, saw the accident ... hit and run, a white van whose driver was speaking on his cellphone and drove off without stopping. The little girl was taken to hospital with head injuries. The children at school were told she was in hospital but not in intensive care, so please God her injuries are not life threatening. So more emotion to handle ... there were many very distressed and frightened children today, both at the scene of the accident and at school. Although Star held together, she too was shocked and frightened.

If you would, please say a prayer for the injured girl, for F, for Star and for all the children who are struggling with today's events.


  1. How awful! Praying, of course...

  2. That is TERRIBLE. How horrible that the kids witnessed it and that the driver DID NOT STOP.

    So sorry for Star and F and the injured girl... prayers coming up.

  3. Anonymous12:37 am

    Offering prayers for all these intentions, Kathryn.

  4. Anonymous4:02 am

    Oh my goodness, K!!! So sorry she's having to go through this! Will pray for the hit child, as well as Star and F....and you! I hope they are able to find the driver!


  5. Anonymous2:18 pm

    Praying here,too. How awful for all concerned.

