Saturday, August 18, 2007

Little Cherub's Liturgical Year Book

I have been working on a project intermittently for the last month or so ... a Liturgical Year Book for Little Cherub. I bought three small 6 inch by 4 inch photo albums from Paperchase - just the right size for little hands - and I am filling them with simple pages for various feasts, seasons and saints days. Each book holds 24 pages, so there will be 72 altogether, each with pictures for her to look at and some simple text or a prayer. The plastic holders mean the books will be robust for her to handle. Here are a couple of sample pages from the August to November book I am currently working on:

Feast of Ss.Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, Archangels (September 29th):

St.Therese of Lisieux (October 1st):


  1. Anonymous3:02 pm

    Are you designing these pages yourself? They are beautiful. Lucky little Cherub!!


  2. Yes, but with a lot of help from Google Images ;).
