Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Book Review: Father and Son

Just look what I found at the library!

Title: Father and Son
Author: Geraldine McCaughrean, illustrated by Fabian Negrin
Age Suitability: 4 and over

I am a fan of Geraldine McCaughrean, and this picture book is one of her best. Written from the perspective of St.Joseph wondering what he can possibly offer as a father to the Son of God, this book brings home the reality of just Who was born in that stable:
What lullabies should I sing to someone who taught the angels to dance and peppered the sky with songbirds?

How can I teach him his words and letters: he who strung the alphabet together, he who whispered dreams into a million, million ears, in a thousand different languages ...

The text is short but deep, and is complemented by illustrations showing father and son together in a variety of childhood scenes. I was surprised to see only a three star rating on Amazon for what I think is a five star book, but this was down to a bad review by someone who found the language and concepts too advanced for young children. If, like me, you enjoy picture books with more complex language and with religious themes you will love this. It is one of those rare books that took only a brief glance to know that I just have to buy it.



  1. It's beautiful, Kathryn! Thanks. I just checked our library and it's there -- huzzah!

  2. Wow, I can't wait to find a copy!

  3. Thanks! I've enjoyed her books too, but haven't seen this one!
