Sunday, July 29, 2007

New theme

How do you like my new medieval theme? I was playing with customised themes for my Multiply site and decided to update my Blogger template to match.

In case you wonder, the background is the text of the Magna Carta, and the header picture is of Kenilworth Castle. Both the charter and the castle played an important part in the constitutional history of England. Part of the castle was built by King John, and later in the thirteenth century the governor of the castle was Simon de Montfort, sometimes known (not entirely accurately) as the "father of the English Parliament", During the Barons' War of 1263-5 Simon kept both the king's son and brother prisoner here.

Shame this neat constitutional link was entirely accidental and I only realised it after making the changes. The real reason I chose that picture was that it fit neatly in the header!


  1. Anonymous10:33 am

    I love the new look. It's suits you perfectly!

  2. It certainly does ... old and decrepit! {grinning}

  3. LOL...."old and decrepit"!

    I LOVE IT! But, I AM on an English historical fiction binge lately, so, OF COURSE, I would love it!!!
