Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Little Cherub and the Chocolate Factory

Today's trip out was to a chocolate factory. Heaven. Or, more accurately, Cadbury World. Here are some highlights, erratically illustrated with photos as my camera batteries were flat and I only managed to coax it to take a few. (Yes, I know. Always carry spare batteries.)

Meeting up with friends who live near Cadbury World and meeting their gorgeous new baby. "Ooh!" said Little Cherub, " 'ook! 'at! " (Look! That!). "That" was a five-and-a-half week old cutie, who slept contentedly in her pushchair and sling. And I didn't get a photo :(.

Finding out how favourite confections are made (no photos allowed in the actual production area) ...

Angel and Star finding out how they would look if turned into chocolate (bad photo!) ...

Experiencing life as a chocolate bean ... shaken, winnowed and roasted!

Liquid chocolate, pumped over a delicacy of one's choice. Angel chose marshmallows; Star chose Midget Gems (chewy, wine gum like sweets. Icky, with or without chocolate.) ...

Free samples!


  1. Cadbury World looks like heaven! I love Cadbury!

    We had a similar day here yesterday! Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory in San Francisco.

  2. Our son would have done an Augustus Gloop and dived right in to the nearest river of molten choccy he could find!
