Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I'll never be late again

Not now that I have discovered GOOGLE CALENDAR!!!!!!!!

(I admit it may be an exaggeration to say I will never be late again, but at least I no longer have an excuse for double booking myself or forgetting something completely.)

I saw a calendar in someone's sidebar, clicked, experimented, and fell in love. I have planning mania, remember, and this is planning heaven. So far I have set up calendars for each member of the family, a general family calendar, my daily routine, and a schedule of the girls' weekly activities. Tevye and I can both view and amend them from any computer, and it is incredibly user friendly - click Quick Add, type "birthday party 2pm next Friday", and up it will pop in the right place. Cool!

It gets better. You can search for public calendars to add. So far I have ...
  • Catholic liturgical calendar for England
  • Jewish holy days
  • Kids activities in Bedfordshire
So I can see at a glance that Friday is the feast of St.Apollinaris, and Saturday is Shabbat Hazon (whatever that is!). On Sunday we could go to a Pirates and Mermaids Adventure Day at a country park, take part in a Weekend of Wizardry at a shopping centre (no prizes for guessing what that's about), watch the planes at a model aeroplane weekend, or go to an archaeology fun day. Or at least, we could if we weren't going to Mass in the morning and the girls to a birthday party in the afternoon - but I had no idea about any of these events!

Individual calendars can be pulled up separately, or in any combination.

You can share calendars with friends!

You can put them on your web page, or in your blog!
(ETA: Take a look at my sidebar.)

Oh, the fun! The possibilities!

It's all too much. It has turned me into a walking exclamation mark!!!!!!!!


  1. Anonymous1:38 pm

    Wow, this does sound very cool! I'll have to experiment with it.

  2. Anonymous5:36 pm

    Very nice!!! It would make one write in exclamation points!!! (And to use alot of these little bracket thingys!)

