Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Digital Art

In the past month or so things keep falling apart on us. The list of casualties includes Henry the Hoover, Tevye's mobile phone, the Freeview box (this gives us digital TV and extra channels - a kind of halfway house between standard terrestrial TV and satellite / cable), a lamp, and our digital camera. In one month. What is going on?

At least it means we now have a new, better digital camera (though we still languish firmly at the bottom end of the market). It has more buttons and many more settings than the old one, a whopping six megapixels compared to our previous three, and it will take close ups without dissolving into an unfocused fuzz. Star is my budding photographer, and is enjoying experimenting. Here is her latest work of art. Very minimalist!

It finally stopped raining long enough to take our much postponed trip to Wicksteed Park today. Did I remember to take the new camera? No!


  1. Anonymous4:39 pm

    Looking forward to seeing some pics with the new camera.

    I don't understand mine yet! I think it's too intellectual for me.

  2. Lovely! I can't wait for my digital camera to break so that I can upgrade.
