Friday, July 13, 2007

Before and After: Decluttering Task 5

Another task finished!

Before ...

... and after

The white wicker baskets are from Ikea. The larger basket on the right is for books. The other baskets hold toys which I plan to rotate - currently there are blocks, a tea set, a doll with a few accessories, a few small toys and one of those things where you bang balls through holes with a hammer. She also has a puzzle, chunky crayons and a push-along dog accessible. It will be nice not to have toys stacked on the floor.

The yellow Thing on the top shelf is an iPal, won in a raffle at Angel's music school concert. It looks like a furry alien, but is in fact iPod / MP3 speakers. Angel and Star were delighted with their good fortune; Tevye has been heard to mutter the words "poisoned chalice". Tell me, where would you put a set of speakers carefully disguised in bright yellow fur? On second thoughts, maybe better not!


  1. Anonymous1:32 pm

    Very nice! But, really, your "before" picture would be considered quite tidy around here!


  2. Exactly what I thought!

  3. Ah! You have to remember I am married to a Born Organised tidy person :).

  4. I'm loving these decluttering posts--and your before looks pretty good to me!

  5. Anonymous8:20 am

    Well done!

    Now that school work has finished for the year, my major room cleaning/decluttering/organising begins too!
