Saturday, June 30, 2007

Holy Cards for your Inspiration

A commenter kindly introduced me to her unique blog on which she displays her extraordinary collection of holy cards, some of them over 100 years old. This Hummel Children at Tree Shrine card was one that particularly caught my attention as my mother has a collection of Hummel figurines. I had forgotten that they were based on drawings by a German Franciscan nun, Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel. Reading this site, I discovered that her artwork appeared on holy cards before it was picked up by the Goebel company who manufactured the figures. I love it when things make connections.

Do go and see Micki's beautiful collection of Holy Cards for your Inspiration. I think some of them will make a nice addition to something I am working on for Little Cherub. More about that later!


  1. Wow, I will be bookmarking this for sure!

    Thank you!

  2. I never knew about the Hummel figures being based on a nun's art. How amazing and what precious depth it adds. I love Holy Cards. Recntly I was looking through my late nana's communion book that she was given by he curate in 1936, and there were two beautiful holy cards. So now I am starting my own little collection!

    The zoo looks fun too. Have you been to London zoo in recent years? We're trying to decide between London and Whipsnade - maybe Whipsnade is better since it would avoid going into London.

  3. Anonymous12:39 am

    Lovely! Thanks for the links!

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