Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #10: Decluttering and organising

I'm still in FlyLady mode - maybe more FlyBaby than FlyLady, but baby steps! - so here is a list of things I plan to declutter and organise over the summer.

1. Clear out desk drawers and cupboard (graveyard of ancient stationery, papers and computer bits)
2. Replace clutter in understairs cupboard with one of these, and use it to organise craft materials currently scattered in several places.
3. Freecycle the mountain of stuff in the garage (some ours, some cleared out from my Mum's house at the beginning of the year).
4. File contents of the girls' homeschooling notebook folders in box files, therefore leaving space to ...
5. Move reference books from unit in sitting room to bookcase, leaving space to set up Montessori-ish baskets and toys for Little Cherub.
6. Clear junk in bottoms of wardrobes in our bedroom - mainly duvets, shoes and bags - making space for neat storage boxes.
7. Empty boxes of unused clothes hidden under our bed, and use for storing out of season clothing.
8. Sort "early learning" resources - books, games, manipulatives and so on - into subject specific storage boxes, and find a clear space (!) to store them.
9. Empty out, defrost and reorganise freezers.
10. Declutter disaster zone on top of fridge.
11. Clear out and reorganise plastic drawers in garage, containing mix of old craft stuff (mostly unused for years) and bits and bobs for science experiments.
12. Sort bookshelves. Ruthlessly. Get rid of anything (books or curriculum) I am unlikely to use.
13. Organise cupboards in dining room dresser. Use for dining room related items instead of random craft stuff (see 2 and 11).

Clearing out and reorganising toy storage baskets in Star's room would have been on the list, but I did that yesterday - proving that decluttering is at least possible. If I get through half this list I will be happy. If I get through all of it, I'll be ecstatic. And so will Tevye!


  1. I will say a little prayer for your success and that your little Cherub will co-operate with your plans. My enormous ironing pile got left yesterday after our son spent all evening crying!

  2. Anonymous11:55 am

    I am less ambitious than you. But I have to do tasks comparable to your # 1, 2, 9 and 12.

    Good luck. I'm rootin' for ya!

  3. decluttering... Or are you a hoarder???
    I think that when Spring comes around in 3 months or so, I will refer back to this list for inspiration!!
    Our list is up if you want to stop by and check it out...

  4. Looking forward to some "after" photos!
