Sunday, June 24, 2007

Homeschooling Top Tens

This thread at the 4Real Learning boards got me thinking. I can never resist a good list (or four), so here are some of my homeschooling favourites.

Top 10 Homeschooling Resources
(not including books or specific curricula)
  • Library
  • Internet access
  • Printer / scanner / copier
  • World map and globe
  • Handheld microscope
  • Plenty of crayons, feltpens and colouring pencils
  • Gluesticks and scissors (lots of both. They walk.)
  • Storage (it is all very well having lots of stuff, but you need to be able to find it!)
  • CD player
  • Educational games
Top of my wishlist is a laminator - I want to make Montessori materials for Little Cherub, and I can see myself getting a lot of use out of one.

Now for books and other specific resources, for different age groups ...

Top 10 Early Years Resources (Age 3 to 6)
Top 10 Primary Resources (Age 6 to 9)
Top 10 Middle School Resources (Age 9 to 13)


  1. Thank you for the gold mine!

  2. It is so good to see English home education ideas, because so much I see usually is american. The laminator would be great - My mum has one that I have borrowed. It is so useful - I use contact paper a lot, though (I think it is contact paper, the sticky clear stuff, kwim) and that does the job just not so neatly.

  3. Yes, I've always known it as contact paper, or sticky-back plastic! I've used it, but I always seem to end up with creases. Laminators seem to have got a lot cheaper - Argos do them from £10 up. I don't know how well the cheapest ones would work, but there has to be something that is affordable and will do the job.
