Monday, May 28, 2007

We are back

Back in the land of good plumbing and bad weather! And yes, we had a lovely break. Very lazy, with a shamefully large amount of time just spent at the pool.

I tried to take photos, really I did ... but someone who shall remain nameless (but is older than one and younger than ten) launched a snatch-and-grab "let me see!" raid on the camera, managed to flip open the battery compartment, cut the power, upset the memory card and rendered it unreadable. As I am a very erratic photographer who forgets the camera half the time, and then forgets to take photos for half the remainder, this was not a disaster of any magnitude. I did manage a bit of last minute catching up ...


  1. So glad you're back! It looks like you had a wonderful time, even with the camera challenges. :-)

  2. Anonymous2:18 am

    I'm so glad you're back. And I am soooo envious! I've definitely got some evil eye going on over here. LOL!
