Saturday, May 05, 2007

New look

My blog has a new look, thanks to a new blog ... Moms Who Blog, where a generous group of experienced bloggers are passing on tips and tricks. They inspired me to move beyond my profound ignorance of html and tackle a new template. I think I am pleased.

They also include advice on finding copyright free photos to use on blogs. I'm afraid I haven't been doing this correctly, though I have been avoiding photos from private sources and sticking to those available on public sites such as the BBC and Wikipedia.


  1. It looks very nice. Very, er, bookwormy.

  2. VERY sophisticated and British-y! Very nice......

  3. Lovely! (and the comments work for me now)

  4. The colors are beautiful!

  5. Lovely! Hey, I would LOVE to have you contribute to Moms Who Blog if you're interested.... :)
