Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Plans for this term

Angel is on a basics-only schedule (so that I can spend more time with Star) ...

Maths - Conquer Maths / a.k.a. Maths 2XL, sections on measurement, area, volume and statistics
French - plugging on slowly with Skoldo 3
English - finishing So You Really Want to Learn English 1 (3 out of 10 chapters to go)
Religion - on hold, waiting for a couple of books to arrive from Amazon for me to check out
Science - working on chemistry from So You Really Want to Learn Science 2. I'm thinking of buying Apologia General Science for next year for her. If I do, then we will probably start it early. I'm not sure whether it would allow her to work independently (more-or-less) for science, or whether it would simply cause traumas. I don't like the young-earth stance, but think I can work round that.

For Star I want to do some more time-intensive, hands-on and outdoor-oriented stuff ...

Maths - finish off My Pals Are Here 3B
Latin - chapters 4 and 5 of Latin Prep
Religion - read The Life of Our Lord by Marigold Hunt
Science - nature study, focusing on birds, trees and insects in that order
History / geography - making a lapbook about our local area, with lots of field trips to take photos.
Art - projects from Artists Workshop: Animals for the first half of term. We will probably use another book from the same series after that.

I used my wilting and under-the-weather weekend to plan out the term, and have nice schedules mostly finished. I have to have those boxes to tick! Not that we have ticked all of them over the past two days, but on the whole we have got off to a reasonable start. This term will be very light on "real" books, relying mainly on texts and activities - we need a change of focus for a while.


  1. Kathryn,
    Are the "Do You Really Want to Learn" series considered High School level in England? I have used the level 2 for Spanish for my dd this year (she is 8th grade) I am thinking that she could get High School credit for her work but I need to know if it is a High School text. The process would be easier if it is.

  2. Natalia - although it isn't clear from the Galore Park website, I think it would be easy to argue that Book 2 is a high school level text. The 3rd book is supposed to take the student up to the standard for GCSE, which are exams taken by 16 year olds - that would be at the end of 10th grade. If you use one book per year, then Book 2 would be the equivalent of 9th grade, which would make it a high school text.
